NFC or Near Field Communication is a technology that allows data transfer between a reader and a compatible terminal. Released in France in 2012, we...
Following a bug in the video game World of Warcraft, an uncontrolled contagious disease caused an uncontrolled slaughter in this online universe, and was an interesting experiment on epidemics.
In computer science, arranging elements in an ordered sequence is called “sorting”. It is a very a common operation in many applications and efficient algorithms have been developed to perform...
NFC or Near Field Communication is a technology that allows data transfer between a reader and a compatible terminal. Released in France in 2012, we use it today in many...
Keyholder was made during the weekend from February the 11th to the 13th of 2022, for an Epitech Jam which is sort of a contest where you have to produce...
Durant notre parcours à Epitech, nous avons eu l’occasion de tester plusieurs distributions linux pour nos projets. C’est une expérience très enrichissante qui nous a permis de découvrir le hardware...
Tout au long de mes années à EPITECH, j’ai pu tester de nombreuses distributions linux ainsi que différents Desktop Environnements (DE), je vais donc vous faire un mini classement des...